Friday, December 28, 2007


Here's a doozy of a letter that landed on my desk today:

All truly Spiritual Religious individuals recognize our truly Spiritual Common Ground, as one may see our Religious Reality as in the Birth of GOD into our mental knowledge of our now known/recognized GOD!

All truly Spiritual Religions are based upon a Humane Foundation, as in Safety for all Individual Lives, be they Current Lives, as well as Future Lives, as well as for all Humans being humane!

Hayward Militant Police are a City Official, as in Public Assets of, or in a Violent Source upon an Innocent Person, and or a Intimidation Source upon an Innocent Person, as well as a False Accusation Source upon an Innocent Person.

How Lovingly Smart, Humane is such true behavior of the Hayward Militant Police?


Blogger demondoll said...

Ok, now really.

Sometimes I read the letters that you post and I think- where do they get their drugs?!
Not that I don't still bear a grudge against the cop who gave me my 1st speeding ticket, but golly.

BTW- It was lovely to finally meet you!


4:34 PM  
Blogger ElleDee said...

Knowing my luck, the author lives in my neighborhood.
Coffee - Thursday or next week?? (I like email, phone calls and even blogger over myspace. Just because I've finally given in doesn't mean it's a favorite :)

8:19 AM  

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