Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Weird Dream

As you may or may not know, I tend to have vivid, weird dreams. I actually haven't been having very many over the past few months, but last night's was a doozy. I'll try to write what I remember (of course, I woke up at 3 a.m. and repeated the whole thing to myself, but by this morning, some details had faded - and yes, I know, you're supposed to write it down or talk into a tape recorder or something, but it was 3 a.m. and I wasn't about to do either of those things).

The scene is a cemetery next to a school. I am currently a spectator, observing as if I'm watching a movie. It's nighttime, and I am aware that someone I know has been persecuted and killed for being an activist-- no details beyond that. Apparently this person had been on a hunger strike and was starved down to almost nothing, and their body (I think it was a man) had been thrown into the cemetery all shriveled and bloody. I remember thinking to myself that it looked like a deer that had been hit on the road.

I'm crying and realize that Ryan, our friend Julie and another guy are there. I knew who the other guy was at 3 a.m., but now I don't remember. All of a sudden we're all panicked -- we need to get the body out of there right away, it needs to be buried properly. I'm still only able to watch. Ryan and the other guy are on either side of the body and insert a stretcher underneath. Julie is in the middle and they are all trying with all their might to wrench this body from the ground. Nearby, a sort of cave or hole opens up in the hillside and they are able to quickly tip the body up and into the hole. We are all relieved.

Now I walk towards the school. Oddly enough, I run into my journalism teacher from junior college and am happy to see her. She asks what's wrong and offers to let me hide in her classroom. We go in and it's empty, but for some reason I need to put tables in there. Really long, skinny tables that for some reason I call "rally tables." I'm debating with Ryan, Julie and the other guy about whether they need to be wood or plastic...wood or plastic...wood or plastic. I finally yell out plastic! and they start bringing them in in a jumble. The tables are sliding all over the room and we're trying to make sense of them and put them in the right place. It's almost like bumper cars. The whole room is pink and orange.

Then, I wake up.

I have no idea what this means -- or if it's supposed to mean anything -- but it's weird nonetheless! I just remembered that I had another dream the other night involving one of my old employees. Something to do with a fence. It's odd how these people I haven't thought of or talked to in a long time suddenly pop up in my dreams!


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