You Know You Missed Him
Mysterious lil ol' "CM" sent an e-mail to my work again this's an "emergency," people! Yeah, I'll say...but not in the same way he's thinking.
To whom it may concern:
Recently, I reported about a strange incident that happened to me last year. A copy of it is below. It is an emergency that I speak to someone about what I saw & was told. I have sent copies to law enforcement. And I will continue to try to get in contact with someone about this. Thank you
Here is a copy of a letter that I sent to Government.
Regarding having seen a human spirit in person in November of last year. Who told me that the people here had 1 year from the time that I reported this to get off this land. And if not he would do it himself. For we were made by a scientist for an experiment, and also to set up the land for living. And I reported it immediately after this happened in November of 06 in person and through email and fax to the FBI in San Francisco, and CIA through email. The man said he placed the people here, ga! ve us the supplies, and mentally put in our brains how to do the job of setting things up here for living, building, and infrastructure meaning everything that you see here on the land. All of the businesses, everything here etc. everything that has been made by man he gave us the supplies, and the how to do it. And we were supposed to do the rest. Meaning build everything that you see here on the land and to live here. Now according to him, because conception was set from the start to happen naturally between a man and woman, there are too many people here and they are steady coming. That is the only reason we were put here is for an experiment and the work of setting up things here for living. And all of the resources and all supplies for living are too much. We are using up too many resources. And he has too keep adding to the resources. And our being here is not for the reason that we thought we were here, which is for religion. There is no religion according ! to the man, it is a made up story. So that we would feel safe her e on the earth, and to have structure and rules in the way that we live, not seeing or knowing anything about who placed us here. But the story is false according to the man. Also, he has people up there with him. They also get all of there supplies for living through this place. The guy drops the supplies that we turn into stuff for everyday living and they get there stuff for living through this place also. It was all about living here and the stuff that is dropped here that we turn into supplies for living that is all life here is about according to the man. Only about turning the supplies that are dropped into everyday items for living for the people who live above us and for us while we are here. That was the purpose for life here. According to the man, he does not even know who made him, he just appeared and had power, but he does not know how he came about or why he is even here. I first notified the FBI in San Francisco in person in November of last year about this. I will continue to try to notify the authorities to this thing. It is very important that I am contacted to find out exactly what happened. Thank you.