Originally posted Oct. 14, 2005
Riddle me this, riddle me that, fellow j-heads. Why do we always sit around the newsroom and pose questions to each other -- say, "How do you spell 'tarragon'?" -- only to debate what the actual spelling is before trundling off to the dictionary to see who's right? Why not cut out the middle man and just look up the word or item from the get-go?
Also, I just want to take a moment to say I hate pretentious journalists. You know the kind I'm talking about -- those ones who nonchalantly saunter by and ask, "Did you read so-and-so's column today?" And then spew off a bunch of crap regarding the war's impact on the shortage of food provided by the UN to Namibia, or some such. No, I didn't read so-and-so's column today. I like columnists like Dave Barry. I don't like deep, intellectual columns. Pardon my French, but I find them boring! And I know the only reason YOU read them is so you can ask some shlub like me if I read it so I'll think you're smart. doesn't take such things to "impress" me. Give it up.
Lastly, why are photographers so testy all the time? It's like every day at work is an Oscar-worthy performance for them. As you can tell, our photogs are acting up. So my advice is: Stuff a sock in it and finish your work. Shit!
I'm feeling nostalgic, so next week I'll blog about my old podmates back in the reporting days. Sigh, but I do miss them.
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