Thursday, March 15, 2007

This'll Make Your Head Hurt

I would like to take this time to again point out the contradiction that words can present. It just occurred to me that by saying, "I'm speechless," you are technically NOT speechless. If you were speechless, you would say nothing at all. Not a single sound would emanate from the mouth hole on your face. Actually, that's not true, because technically a noise is not always considered speech. So if you were to utter "kweeeeee!", that, as far as I know, is not a word (an English word, anyway), so it wouldn't be considered speech. It'd be considered noise. So the next time you want to say you're speechless, say "kweeeeee!" instead. But don't say, "I'm speechless!", because that's not true. You have just used speech.

It's just like the word "unmentionables," which I think I previously blogged about. As in, "Don't look at my unmentionables!" Well, by calling them unmentionables, you are mentioning them. Therefore, somewhere a grammar geek's head has imploded. Possibly mine. Yes, very possibly mine. Oh dear...that would make me speechless.

Lastly, Ryan and I came up with a brain bender. We were discussing (for whatever nerdly reason, don't ask) the properties of an infinite line. Now, if it were a straight line (not a circle, which is an unbroken -- but not straight -- line), that means it must have end points. If so, the line cannot technically be infinite. Because those end points have to fall somewhere. Therefore, the line is finite. Now, my boss tried to explain to me something about space curving, and then Ryan said something about Stephen Hawking and space being a this point, I become (haha) speechless. Seriously, my loss of speech is unmentionable. Oops! But anyway, even if the line did become a parabola because of the shape of space, the same thing applies. There must be end points on this "infinite" parabola, meaning it isn't infinite.

That's where I start to think about the universe, and empty space, and how it must end somewhere, and if so, what does it look like and what's beyond it, and if not....HOW IS THAT POSSIBLE?!

Whew, I need a nap now. Maybe I should start devoting my attention to more important and easier to grasp things, like Britney's cue ball.


Blogger ElleDee said...

I like "unmentionables." But just start calling them your "underoos" if it makes you feel better :)

9:44 AM  
Blogger demondoll said...

I say underoos, as well.

If someone says s/he is speechlees, my response is usually,"Are ya?"

3:36 PM  

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